Dr. Mimi Shagaga is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist (CA PSY29319, MO 2020010435, NV PY1046). She holds a Master's degree in Psychology with an emphasis in Marriage and Family Therapy and a Doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology. She has completed advanced training in human sexuality and sex therapy and holds a post-doctoral certification in Neuropsychology from UC Berkeley. In addition, she has completed Level 1 Training in Gottman Method Couples Therapy. Her areas of focus include relationship issues, life transitions, sexual addiction, sex therapy, behavioral addictions, substance abuse, eating disorders, neurocognitive disorders, depression and anxiety. Her published works include Through the Eyes of the Voyeur: The Lived Subjective Experience of Males Who Self-Identify as Sexual Addicts. She has been featured on KABC, NBC, in Psychology Today, The Wall Street Journal, Reader's Digest and as a panelist at several academic and mental health related conferences.